
Import of contacts from Picasa to Lightroom

Having got acquainted with the next version Picasa, I have been obedient possibility of search persons in photos. As it would be good to have such possibility in Lightroom to not adding tags hands!

And here there was long-awaited version Lightroom 3... And there is no face recognition in new version! I have thought that it temporarily... That somebody will write a plug-in... And a plug-in have really written. A problem that Lightroom API does not allow to work directly with a tree of tags. So plug-in almost useless.

It was necessary to think out own solution. It is pleasant to understand that solution was thought up!


Lightroom face importer

So, I represent to your attention Lightroom face importer

That the program features:

  • Import of contacts from Picasa
  • Checking of already existing contacts
  • Hierarchical allocation of contacts as Lightroom tags
  • Assignment of tags to images by information of Picasa
  • Creation of an archive copy before the operation beginning
  • Completely automatic operation


How to use

Simply to start the program, then to specify a file of database Lightroom. Further the program will work in an automatic mode, producing information of the job processing.


Download Lightroom face importer

last version



Program tested at versions Lightroom 3 and Picasa 3.6

For questions and comments you can use support forum



I Wish to express gratitude Dervish for the help in algorithm implementation.



0.6 alpha
* Fixed handling of filenames with national characters

0.5 alpha
+ Added a pause before closing
* By default creates parent directory "Faces"

0.4 alpha
+ Added Windows 7 support.

0.3 alpha
* Fixed error of tag counters in Lightroom

0.2 alpha
* Changes to increase the processing speed

0.1 alpha
First public version